1. Low back pain associated with lumbar disc herniation: role of moderately ...
Lumbar disc herniation is one of the most common spinal degenerative disorders which may lead to low back pain (LBP) and radicular leg pain.
Lumbar disc herniation is one of the most common spinal degenerative disorders which may lead to low back pain (LBP) and radicular leg pain. However, it remains difficult to diagnose a degenerative herniated disc as the LBP generator in clinical ...
2. [TeX] Statistical Investigation of the Storm Time Plasma Density Strip-like ...
... bulge structures of geomagnetic storms driven by 136 interplanetary coronal ... Hui Wang}% \author[2]{Jun Cui}% \author[4]{Yiwen Liu}% \author[5]{Qiaoling Li}% \ ...
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3. Transsacrococcygeal approach in rectal gastrointestinal stromal ...
... bulge (5 cases), constipation (5 cases), haematochezia (2 cases), anal masses (2 cases) and perianal discomfort (1 case). Of the 17 patients, 2 had ...
Transsacrococcygeal approach in rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumour resection: 10-year experience at a single centre
4. Distinct bulge stem cell populations maintain the pilosebaceous unit in ...
Our results indicated that the upper bulge stem cells contributed extensively to the SG replenishment during hair cycling, while HFSCs in the lower bugle did ...
The pilosebaceous unit (PSU) is composed of multiple compartments and the self-renewal of PSU depends on distinct hair follicle stem cell (HFSC) populations. However, the differential roles of the HFSCs in sebaceous gland (SG) renewal have not been completely understood. Here, we performed multiple lineage tracing analysis to unveil the contribution of different HFSC populations to PSU regeneration during the hair cycle and wound healing. Our results indicated that the upper bulge stem cells contributed extensively to the SG replenishment during hair cycling, while HFSCs in the lower bugle did not. During skin wound healing, all HFSC populations participated in the SG replenishment. Moreover, β-catenin activation promoted the contribution of HFSCs to SG replenishment, whereas β-catenin deletion substantially repressed the event. Thus, our findings indicated that HFSCs contributed to SG replenishment in a β-catenin-dependent manner.
5. [PDF] Statistical Investigation of the Storm Time Plasma Density Strip-like ...
Mar 15, 2024 · The spatial and temporal coverage of the strip-like bulge varies from storm to storm. However, the bulges do exhibit occurrence preferences: ...
6. Hui Wai Cheung v Yat Fai Engineering Ltd And Another
... bulge. The court interpreter agreed that the characters could be translated in this way. But it matters not because the parties agree that the applicant did ...
0: [object Object]. 1: [object Object]. 2: [object Object]. 3: [object Object]. 4: [object Object]
7. Recommendations for Epstein-Barr virus–based screening for ...
... Yat-sen University, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. , Guangzhou ... bulge, and lymphoid hyperplasia with suspicious asymmetry or focal lesion.
Abstract. A meeting of experts was held in November 2021 to review and discuss available data on performance of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)–based approaches t
8. Science goals of the Earth 2.0 space mission - SPIE Digital Library
Aug 27, 2022 · So the other way to look at this is because they target the bulge-- so therefore this is 8 k log per second away from us. So anything beyond ...
An innovative Chinese space mission, the Earth 2.0 (ET) mission, is being developed to combine the transit and microlensing method together to search for Earth-sized exoplanets in the Galaxy, including the most precious ones—Earth 2.0s, i.e., habitable Earth-sized (0.8-1.25 Earth radii) planets orbiting solar type stars, cold and free-floating low-mass planets. ET’s 6 transit telescopes will monitor a FoV of 500 square degrees (covering the Kepler field) continuously for at least four years and generate a huge database containing high-cadence and ultra-high photometry precision light curves of 1.2 million FGKM dwarfs. With such a high value database in hand, many unsolved issues in the exoplanet field and even stellar sciences will be well addressed. Besides looking for Earth 2.0s and constraining its occurrence rate, ET will be dedicated to map a much wider radius-period diagram of terrestrial-like exoplanets than ever and reveal how it depends on the stellar properties and environments. With the 4-yr legacy data of Kepler, ET will observe some planet systems for up to 8 years and catch additional components in a multi-planet system, e.g. cold Giant, cold sub-Earths, exomoons, exorings and even exocomets. Are exomoons and exocomets common in a planet system? What’s the favorite number of planets in a multi-planet system? What’s the most common orbital configuration of planet systems? With these new data, ET will deepen our understandings on how unique our Solar system is and...
9. Exophthalmos (Bulging Eyes) Due to Thyrotoxicosis
When these hormones accumulate in muscles and fatty tissues behind the eyes, they cause the eyes to bulge. ... Hui Shan, Dr Chee Chia Shing, Dr Chen San San ...
Learn about exophthalmos (bulging eyes) caused by thyrotoxicosis and its symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
10. Identification of a novel microRNA signature associated ... - BMC Cancer
Feb 18, 2015 · ... Yat-Sen ... The quantitative PCR (qPCR) reaction was performed in 15 μL volume with 3 μL of RT products, 500 nmol/L each of Bulge ...
The clinical significance of microRNAs (miRNAs) in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is unclear. The objective of this study is to examine the miRNA expression profiles and identify a miRNA signature for the prognosis of ICC. Using a custom microarray containing 1,094 probes, the miRNA expression profiles of 63 human ICCs and nine normal intrahepatic bile ducts (NIBD) were assessed. The miRNA signatures were established and their clinical significances in ICC were analyzed. The expression levels of some miRNAs were verified by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). Expression profile analysis showed 158 differentially expressed miRNAs between ICC and NIBD, with 77 up-regulated and 81 down-regulated miRNAs. From the 158 differentially expressed miRNAs, a 30-miRNA signature consisting of 10 up-regulated and 20 down-regulated miRNAs in ICC was established for distinguishing ICC from NIBD with 100% accuracy. A separate 3-miRNA signature was identified for predicting prognosis in ICC. Based on the 3-miRNA signature, a formula was constructed to compute a risk score for each patient. The patients with high-risk had significantly lower overall survival and disease-free survival than those with low-risk. The expression level of these three miRNAs detected by microarray was verified by qRT-PCR. Multivariate analysis indicated that the 3-miRNA signature was an independent prognostic predictor. In this study, a 30-miRNA signature for distinguishing ICC from NIBD, and a 3-miRNA sig...
11. Dean's List - CUHK Faculty of ARTS
Missing: bulge | Show results with:bulge
12. DNA barcoding for molecular identification of the genus Oxyscelio ...
Dec 23, 2021 · Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding. Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Transverse ...
Species of the genus Oxyscelio Kieffer are egg parasitoids of Orthoptera. The genus is relatively diverse in China, with 34 described species. Some species of the genus are extremely morphologically similar and difficult to identify, especially in males. In this study, DNA barcoding based on sequences of the COI gene was used to discriminate Oxyscelio species from southern China. In total, 49 COI sequences belonging to 22 morphospecies were obtained. The COI sequences worked well for the identification of all the studied species, with intraspecific genetic distances ranging between 0 and 4.3%, while interspecific distances ranged between 7.1% and 19%. Based on both morphological and molecular analyses, five species are described as new: O. amalocarina Mo & Chen, sp. nov., O. apheles Mo & Chen, sp. nov., O. latheticus Mo & Chen, sp. nov., O. stenos Mo & Chen, sp. nov., and O. striae Mo & Chen, sp. nov.